Baby shower from the guests' point of view - Everything Pixel

Baby shower from the guests' point of view

You've been invited to a baby shower and are wondering what to bring as a gift ? We've put together a few tips and ideas to help you decide.

Babyparty Babyshower

First of all, it is important to consider whether there is a wish list of the parents-to-be. If so, you can find inspiration there and choose a gift. If not, there are many classic gifts that are suitable for a baby shower/babyshower. Here are some ideas:

  • Baby clothes: There are so many cute and practical clothes for babies. Make sure to choose the right size and season.

  • Diapers: Although it may not be the most exciting gift, nappies are always needed and are therefore a practical choice.

  • Toys: Babies love to play and explore. Choose toys that are suitable for babies and age appropriate.

  • Books: Reading aloud is a wonderful way to strengthen the bond between parent and child. Give a book with beautiful stories or songs for babies.

  • Care products: There are special care products for baby's delicate skin that are gentle and soft. For example, give a set with baby cream, shampoo and lotion.

  • Vouchers: If you are unsure what else the parents need, a voucher is a good option. For example, give a voucher for a baby shop or a massage for the new parents.

  • Baby bedding: A great gift idea is also high-quality baby bedding made of 100% cotton. 

  • Posters to print: Posters for the nursery are also a nice gift idea. At you can choose from different motifs and give the parents an individual and personal decoration for the baby's room.


Of course, you don't necessarily have to bring a classic gift. Homemade gifts or ideas are also welcome. Consider baking a delicious cake or biscuits, for example, or making a creative nappy snail gift


We hope that we have been able to help you with these tips and ideas. The important thing is that the gift comes from the heart and that you think about what could bring joy to the parents-to-be and the baby.

We wish you lots of fun at the baby shower/babyshower.

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